Monday, February 27, 2012

Want to know a secret?

I really admire ministry couples who are in their 60's, 70's, 80's and still going strong. I love hearing stories about how they met, their first years of marriage/parenthood, first ministry adventures, and all the hardship they endured in ministry and marriage. With age definitely comes much wisdom. And much revelation! There is one couple in particular who I ADORE! "The Greenes" Justin and I just smile when we think of them. They've been changing people’s lives for Jesus for years! They are humble, WISE, compassionate...I can go on and on. Their secret...
1) Jesus
2) Family
3) Ministry
In that exact order! They always remind Justin & I to hold on to this order very closely and as God wills, we will be in ministry, together for the next 60-70 years.

As a woman, 1 & 2 can get rearranged pretty quickly. In the attempt to be the perfect wife & perfect mom, I'm reminded that I cannot even be called "good" apart from Jesus. I want to love my family but when I think of what love looks like in His eyes, it's impossible to do apart from Jesus!

Love= patient, kind, not self seeking, not easily angered, forgives, protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres. These days I am impatient, self-seeking, easily angered, unforgiving, untrusting. This leads me to believe that I've gotten the order all wrong and I need to refocus. In order to serve my family & church diligently, I need more of Jesus.

My husband LOVES his Jesus time. There is nothing & no one that can keep him from that. The first day of being married, he grabbed a cup of coffee, his bible, and found a quiet corner to start his day. 2&1/2 years later, not much has changed. (Except now, he has a baby girl waiting to sit on his lap and be read to every morning). I am grateful that he does 2(Family) SO well. He truly loves his family time. I love knowing that Tuesdays are especially for Anabelle & I. We start the day with Jesus, turn our phones off (sorry world) & enjoy our beautiful baby girl together. Every other day he eat, sleeps, breathes 3 (ministry). He loves Jericho Road.

I can't imagine the weight of being a husband/father/pastor. I can't imagine the internal battles he faces daily. I do believe that his love for Jesus helps him to be a great husband and father, and his love & dedication to his family helps him to be a great leader to Jericho Road (his extended family).

1) Jesus 2) Family 3) Ministry....Now share the secret!

1 comment:

Marcia said...

I hope the two of you ARE in ministry together for the next 60-70 years. There may be wisdom in age but there is certainly passion in youth. Enough to teach us old folks a thing or two. because, we're NEVER too old to learn...