Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Prayer for Anabelle

I love my baby girl. She has brought me so much joy & has given me a brand new perspective on life. I love being the one to greet her in the morning & the last to kiss her goodnight. I love how she "spins" towards objects because she hasn't gotten the concept of crawling just yet. I love our walks to Walmart and the little parks in the neighborhood. Ahhh...and my favorite part of the day, seeing the excitement on her face when "dada" comes home from work and graces her with his kisses.

Saturday morning Justin & I were reading Ephesians and my mind went off track big time! the phrase "the ways of this world " gave me a good scare. What will Anabelle's generation will look like. What will the ways of her world look like. Are we setting her generation up for failure? Before I go into deep depression thinking about it, I'm reminded that she has a heavenly father who loves her more than we do. Our role as parents is to do everything we can to lead her to Him. Justin won't be able to keep the boys away forever (although he will try!). I can't convince her that what she sees in the media isn't the "prize". We can't strap her to a carseat every Sunday morning & bring her to church. We can't choose Jesus for her. THat tells me there's an urgency to start now.. to pray for our little girl.

God, Anabelle is YOURS. "All the days ordained for her were written in your book before one of them came to be". I am believing that Anabelle will choose YOU! That she will live this life with eternity with You in mind. That she will have a burden to make Your name known. Ahh...I have a long list of prayers for Anabelle. But more than anything, I just want her to love You. In your powerful name Jesus!

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